Production of noise contours, expert evidence at public inquiry, advice to planning authority
Production of noise contours, expert evidence at public inquiry, advice to planning authority
Consultant, carry out sustainability and masterplanning studies, expert witness at Public Inquiry, runway alteration on easterly operations, ending of Cranford agreement.
Advise on compensation claims relating to airport expansion
Study of effectiveness of noise barriers and assessment of impact of ground noise
Production of noise contours, expert evidence in House of Lords on Maplin Development Bill
Expert evidence
Study of impact of aircraft noise on the population of OECD countries
Study of ground noise affecting residential areas
Study of the noise effects of proposed second runway
Expert evidence at planning inquiry
Preparation of noise contours, expert evidence at public inquiry
Preparation of noise contours and noise impact study
Noise impact study
Expert Evidence at Public Inquiry
Noise impact study
Noise impact study and expert evidence at public inquiry
Preparation of noise chapters for Environmental Statement
Advising planning authority on noise aspects of proposed runway extension
Advising planning authority on noise aspects of proposed terminal expansion
Noise impact study
Airport Noise - Integrating Total Annoyance by the use of an Exchange Rate Concept: Acoustics 82 Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics
Aircraft Noise, The Present Impact on the Population of OECD Countries and Prospects for Future Reduction: Report prepared for the Environment Directorate of the OECD, Paris. 1979
A Study of Government Noise Insulation Policies: Report by the Working Group on Law and Administration of the Noise Advisory Council. H.M.S.O. 1980
Aircraft Noise: Selection of Runway Sites for Maplin Airport: Report by the Research Sub-committee of the Noise Advisory Council. H.M.S.O. 1972
Aircraft Engine Noise Research: Report by the Research Sub-committee of the Noise Advisory Council. H.M.S.O. 1974