Prepare noise and vibration sections of environmental statement Undertake baseline noise and vibration measurements. Expert Evidence.
Prepare noise and vibration sections of environmental statement Undertake baseline noise and vibration measurements. Expert Evidence.
Deal with noise issues in petitions against Parliamentary Bill. Provide expert evidence in Parliament. Deal with noise issues during construction projects.
Carry out assessment of noise and vibration from operating railway for Environmental Statement.
Carry out noise and vibration study. Prepare noise sections of Environmental Statement. Provide expert evidence in Parliament. Advise on Land Compensation Act claims
Advice to Environmental Assessment Coordination team
Provide expert evidence in Parliament
Carry out noise impact assessment for Environmental Statement of No 4 and No 5 Bills
Prepare terms of Consultants reference for EIA
Noise study of proposed extension to airport
Retrospective studies of noise from initial railway
Carry out noise study of proposed extension to Greenwich and Lewisham and provide expert evidence in House of Commons
Noise study and Transport expert evidence in House of Lords re proposed extension to Beckton
Advice in development at Canary Wharf
Reduction of noise from viaduct
Prediction of noise from viaducts
Expert evidence in high court action for nuisance from shunting operations
Consultations with Railway experts from JNR on noise and vibration from Shinkansen
Prediction of noise from freight depot
Environmental impact assessment of rail link to coal mine
Study of wayside noise from system in Cologne, Bonn, Berlin and Duesseldorf
Carry out assessment of impact of noise and vibration
Carry out noise and vibration study
Carry out assessment of impact of noise and vibration